Monday, April 15, 2013

Spring Sweets Fair at Mitsuwa this weekend!

Update: The Spring Sweets Fair is actually a display of cakes. There is another fair starting Friday, April 19th, which is the Regional Sweets Fair and is going to be much larger. The post about this fair is now up! Read it here.

Mitsuwa, a Japanese supermarket chain, is having one of their seasonal campaigns this weekend. Every few months, they will hold a food fair with various themes (Hokkaido, crepes, etc.), usually for a weekend, but can last up to a few weeks. This weekend, they are holding their Spring Sweets Fair at the New Jersey location, which I posted about a while ago (you can read the full post here. I will be going on Thursday, and posting about it Thursday night, so you know if it's something you'll want to go to. You can keep up with Mitsuwa's season campaigns here.

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