Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Katz's Delicatessen

My boyfriend very strongly dislikes eating out in New York, because all you can get is expensive, mediocre food. But there is one place that he thinks is worth the money, and is actually good, and that would be Katz's. When Harry Met Sally was also filmed here; I'm a bit too young to have watched that movie, but if you liked that movie, this is a historical landmark.

In true NYC deli fashion, Katz's is really grimy. This place is cash-only, and if you walk to the very back of the restaurant to the ATM, you'll see two Porta Potty/outhouse-looking bathrooms, and the floors outside in the seating area are really slippery. It's very unlikely to have been pure water, so I held my breath while withdrawing $20. Of course, after experiencing this, I had to duck out of there ASAP, so I got my sandwich to go.

I got the pastrami sandwich, which is probably Katz's most famous item. It is so good; super juicy and tender. It is a huge portion (enough for two meals), so the $17 is well worth it. Unlike a lot of deli sandwiches, this actually has flavor and does not taste like disease. The sandwiches usually come with pickles too, and I've heard that they're good, but I can't vouch for that, because I'm terrified of pickles.

Service is pretty awful here. Thank you's and please's will absolutely be ignored, and your sandwich maker will most likely not be paying attention to what you say, unless of course you're wearing a very low-cut top.

The Lower East Side has a reputation for being gross and slightly dangerous. But if want to go to Katz's at night, just be sober and wear a sweater; East Houston Street has so many bars that rapists will have skimpier-dressed, less-composed targets to focus on.

Katz's Delicatessen
205 E Houston St., at Ludlow St.

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