Tuesday, May 21, 2013

New series: Victoria C. Kitchen

In the last few months, I've spent a lot of money on food, and now that I have access to a decent kitchen and not a ridiculous electric stove (in a room with an overly sensitive smoke detector designed to catch stoners), I'm going to start a new series, Victoria C. Kitchen, which will show the stuff I cook (with recipes and pictures as necessary). I'm not an amazing cook, but I am adventurous and ambitious and I would never settle for canned sauce.

The principle of this series is based on a diet called I Have Five Dollars Until Friday. The occurrence of these posts will be spontaneous, and will be dependent on budget, my mood, or if I just feel compelled to cook something. You know how some designers say they started making clothes because they couldn't find this one exact thing that they really wanted? I feel the same way about food.

The first post will come sometime next week... but not before I eat everything that I've missed from California since March.

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